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“How Can You Have Any Pudding If You Don’t Eat Yer Meat?”

Pink Floyd was asking the real questions, and it been rhetorical, until now.

Credit to Xeni Jardin via

Well? How can we eat our pudding if we don't eat our meat? Obviously, I’m talking about a broader concept here, and that is the idea of wading through the horrible stuff before you reap the rewards. No, I’m not going to lecture about life, I’m quite early on in my timeline as a liver (not the organ).

What I wonder is why I excel at forward-thinking in the most trivial sense, but when it comes to the serious, long term gain, I have about as much foresight as a 90s horror movie victim.

As I’m sure everyone knows, the part of your brain that is receptive to immediate satisfaction is closer to the middle of the brain. The part that is in charge of decisions that affects logical, long term gain is closer to the surface and gets tired quicker. This is why you’re all unmotivated, easily manipulated little failures (same here buddy).

I started to say that I’m capable of long term thinking, but only in the most trivial of examples. For instance, I assume everyone eats the thing on the plate they like the least, working their way up to the finale. In the same way, if you find a mutant sized thing in a bowl or packet, you ignore it for the entirety of the gorge just to dramatically drop in down the hatch at the end.

But this isn’t relatable comedy, this is a rant. The reason I thought of this is because I’m tasked with filling the dishwasher at home, a process which involves taking a tablet from the assortment of picks that reside in a plastic box under the sink. You see, the mix includes tablets with vacuumed plastic, that melts away in the dishwasher, and those wrapped like boiled sweets. The latter requires unwrapping, and this perturbs me.

Are thee enticed? Then I shall continue on…

I tend to use these annoying things right off the bat, to ensure I’m done with them quickly and I can get at the easy ones that require 0 unwrapping. My sister gets tasked with filling the dishwasher on ONE SINGLE OCCASION! You may have finished my sentence, but for those who haven’t, she used one of the easy ones.

She used one of the easy ones, the ones I’d been saving.

If you think there's nothing wrong with this, then congratulations, I can only assume you belong to that group of consumerist, opportunistic, self-centred scum. I only hope I steer clear of the type. If you are the kind to scrape the filling off of a custard cream or jammy dodger, before popping the dry, crumbled carcass in second, avoid me. I will be sure to go out for biscuits on a first date to make absolutely sure nothing goes further should that test be failed.

I reserve no judgement for those who don’t prepare for the next few years, but for those who flagrantly disregard the next 10 minutes? Run far away.

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